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My Cat and my Furniture
My Cat and my Furniture

My Cat and my Furniture

Here are some tips and tricks I’ve tried to minimize damage to the furniture without harming Peaches (the cat) in any way.

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My Journey through Tech School
My Journey through Tech School

My Journey through Tech School

Like anyone you would find in a vet clinic I have always had a love for animals though I was not always sure I wanted a career with them.

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How Much Do Pets Cost?
How Much Do Pets Cost?

How Much Do Pets Cost?

Sometimes when it comes to our animals we often think with our hearts and not our heads, which is very easy to do when it comes to pet ownership.

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Dog Foods and Heart Disease
Potential Link Between Certain Dog Foods and Heart Disease

Dog Foods and Heart Disease

We have received several calls from concerned owners regarding an investigation into a possible link between certain diets and a form of canine heart disease.

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August is Food Awareness Month
August is Food Awareness Month

August is Food Awareness Month

During August and September, we are focusing on pet nutrition. Choosing the right diet for your pet can be overwhelming and confusing. 

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Pet First Aid Kits
Pet First Aid Kits

Pet First Aid Kits

The team at Mission Ridge Animal Hospital wants to help you be prepared with a list of items that would be great additions to your pet first aid kit!

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Bringing Reptiles Outdoors in the Summer
Bringing Reptiles Outdoors for the Summer

Bringing Reptiles Outdoors in the Summer

Many of our reptile companions can appreciate some time outdoors during the summer months, but over-heating, parasites and predation, are all things to be aware of.

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Raising Orphaned Kittens
Raising Orphaned Kittens

Raising Orphaned Kittens

A few years ago, we were visiting a rancher friend of ours. On a tour of the barn, we came across an abandoned 3-week old kitten, who was later named Darryl. 

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Tapeworm Talk
Tapeworm Talk

Tapeworm Talk

Echinococcus multi-locularis is a tapeworm that has become more prevalent over the last few years in Alberta. There are no early symptoms and can go unnoticed for years

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Rabies: Why Awareness Matters
Rabies: Why Awareness Matters

Rabies: Why Awareness Matters

Bats are the main source of rabies in Alberta, though skunks, raccoons, and foxes are also common carriers in Canada. 

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Acupuncture Update
Acupuncture Update

Acupuncture Update

I have been practicing acupuncture for approximately two years now. It has been a wonderful tool to add to general veterinary practice to help my patients. 

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Spring Safety Tips For Your Pet
Spring Safety Tips For Your Pet

Spring Safety Tips For Your Pet

Tmperatures are getting warmer, spring is just around the corner. Here are five helpful tips that can help you and your pet to stay safe this spring.

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