Pet Acupuncture

Acupuncture helps relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve your pet's overall well-being.

Acupuncture involves placing tiny needles in specific points on the body to promote a healing response. It has evolved from Chinese medicine to Western medicine. There is now scientific research showing that stimulating certain acupuncture points can bring pain relief, encourage healing of injuries and get better control of chronic diseases.

How can acupuncture help my pet?

Acupuncture has been known to help with orthopedic and neurologic conditions. Common conditions that may benefit from acupuncture are cruciate ligament injury, osteoarthritis, spinal cord injury, intervertebral disk disease and traumatic nerve injury.

Acupuncture can sometimes help cats with chronic renal disease, urinary tract issues, constipation, gastrointestinal disease and respiratory disease.

Acupuncture can provide pain relief for osteoarthritis pain, injured muscles and after surgical procedures such as dental extractions.

Acupuncture can sometimes help with gastrointestinal disease, respiratory disease, seizures, anxiety and even skin diseases.

Just like any medical treatment, every patient responds differently. Some patients have tremendous success with acupuncture treatments, while others show very little improvement in their condition. There is a very minimal risk or side effects from acupuncture, so it is almost always worth trying.

What can I expect during an acupuncture appointment?

A typical appointment involves getting your dog comfortable on a soft bed on the floor. They usually receive treats or praise while the needles are placed. Most dogs do not react to the needles being inserted. We then sit with your dog for 10-20 minutes with the needles in. Most dogs enjoy getting treats or head pets during this time.

A typical course of treatment can be once weekly for 4-6 weeks and then adjusted according to their response. Every patient is different and treatment is always adjusted specifically for their needs.

Will my cat sit still for acupuncture?

Surprisingly, many cats tolerate acupuncture quite well. A soft bed is set up on the floor of the exam room, treats and canned food are offered and we take our time to make them feel comfortable. Even a 5-10 minute treatment can still have benefit in a cat for many conditions.

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