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A Day in the Life
A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

When it came time for me to grow up and think about a career I learned that there are many different positions available in the veterinary industry.

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Two Common Unwanted Kitten Behaviours
Two Common Unwanted Kitten Behaviours

Two Common Unwanted Kitten Behaviours

A common complaint at new kitten exams, is “ my kitten is biting my hands/feet.” Kittens learn how to inhibit their bite from their mother, and from playing with littermates. 

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Tips to Help your Dog Stay Itch Free
Tips to Help your Dog Stay Itch Free

Tips to Help your Dog Stay Itch Free

Allergies can be very frustrating for both pets and owners.  It is usually a life long problem to manage and it can be difficult to pinpoint what exactly is causing the itch.

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Raw Food for Dogs and Cats- Is It Safe?
Raw Food for Dogs and Cats- Is It Safe?

Raw Food for Dogs and Cats- Is It Safe?

Recently I have seen an increase in the number of dogs and a few cats on raw food diet.  A number of these animals have become ill from eating this diet.

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Why Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets
Why Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets

Why Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets

Owning a pet is a very fulfilling and amazing experience. They provide so much entertainment and love. Unfortunately not everyone can have cats and dogs in their lives. 

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Compulsive Behaviours in Dogs
Compulsive Behaviours in Dogs

Compulsive Behaviours in Dogs

Compulsive disorders are typical behaviours that are exaggerations of normal dog behaviours that last for extended periods of time.

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Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy
Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy

Keep Your Pet's Teeth Healthy

As you may know brushing your pet’s teeth can help prevent dental disease. What you may not be aware of is that there are many products available to be purchased that can help.

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Healthy Hamster Basics
Healthy Hamster Basics

Healthy Hamster Basics

Feeding seed mixes is not recommended as they do not provide adequate nutrition for Hamsters instead there are pellets provide complete and balanced nutrition.

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Dental Care for Your Cats
Dental Care for Your Cats

Dental Care for Your Cats

Having had the pleasure of owning several cats over the years, I can appreciate how challenging effective oral hygiene can be!

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Amputating a Cat’s Leg: Claptrap’s Story
Amputating a Cat’s Leg: Claptrap’s Story

Amputating a Cat’s Leg: Claptrap’s Story

My name is Kandice and I work here at Mission Ridge Animal Hospital as an ACA. I’d like to share the story of how Claptrap's leg was amputated and how it affected him.

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What is ACTSS?
Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society (ACTSS)

What is ACTSS?

The Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society (ACTSS) are an Alberta-run charity started by Dr. Jennifer Stelfox who has a special interest in oncology.

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Should I Exercise My Pet With Arthritis?
Should I Exercise My Pet With Arthritis?

Should I Exercise My Pet With Arthritis?

If your pet has arthritis it does not necessarily mean that they no longer require exercise. In fact, staying active can actually help your pet manage the symptoms of arthritis.

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