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Living with a Pet with Addison’s Disease
Living with a Pet with Addison’s Disease

Living with a Pet with Addison’s Disease

My name is Dr. Lori Skrypnek and my pet Molly has Addison’s Disease. I adopted her after she had been diagnosed with Addisons disease and was on treatment for one year.

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Collecting Urine and Fecal Samples
Collecting Your Pet’s Urine and Fecal Samples

Collecting Urine and Fecal Samples

When your pet is sick, doctors often rely on diagnostic tests to know how to proceed with treatment. Often this includes blood, urine, and fecal tests

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Puppy Socialization: The First 3 Months
Puppy Socialization: The Critical  of Life

Puppy Socialization: The First 3 Months

The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour (AVSAB) has identified that the primary and most important time for puppy socialization is the first three months of life. 

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How to clean dog teeth without brushing?
How to clean dog teeth without brushing?

How to clean dog teeth without brushing?

Brushing your pet’s teeth is a challenge. And while it’s the most effective form of dental disease prevention, it isn’t always a viable option. 

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10 Strange But True Feline Facts
10 Strange But True Feline Facts

10 Strange But True Feline Facts

Cats can jump up to six times their length in a single bound! This is thanks to powerful muscles in their back legs and the use of their tails for balance.

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My dog has worms what do I do?
My dog has worms what do I do?

My dog has worms what do I do?

We are fortunate that our cold winters mean we have fewer parasites than many other places. However, we still have the most common type of worm that infects pets, the ROUNDWORM.

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What is Kennel Cough?
What is Kennel Cough or Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis?

What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough is a broad term for an infectious bronchitis in dogs.  It is characterized by frequent fits of harsh hacking.

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Why Is My Dog Limping On His Back Leg?
Why Is My Dog Limping On His Back Leg?

Why Is My Dog Limping On His Back Leg?

A very common injury I see in practice is an injury to a ligament in the knee. Very active dogs who like to run and chase a toy can tear the ACL in their knee.

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Spot a Tick? Here's What to Do
What To Do If You Find A Tick On Your Dog

Spot a Tick? Here's What to Do

Ticks are found in Alberta on tall grasses particularly in the spring time. Ticks can transfer on to dogs and people as they brush through the long grass. 

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Where Do Eggs Belong in the Supermarket?
Where Do Eggs Belong in the Supermarket?

Where Do Eggs Belong in the Supermarket?

It is now official — we are allowed to keep chickens in St. Albert! For more information on these requirements, please contact the City of St Albert.

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Ticks: What You Need To Know
Ticks: What You Need To Know

Ticks: What You Need To Know

With the early spring we are experiencing here in Alberta, ticks may be emerging early than is typical (mid-April to mid-August is peak tick season).

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Vegetables & Fruits to Feed Your Reptile
Vegetables and Fruits to Feed Your Reptile

Vegetables & Fruits to Feed Your Reptile

Our scaly friends like to chow down on some fresh veggies and fruit but some can be toxic or may not give the best nutrition that your reptile needs to survive. 

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