Skin Care

Diagnosis and treatment of skin-related conditions that can cause discomfort, pain, and illness.

Many dogs out there suffer from skin problems, often due to food or environmental allergies. External parasites can also be a cause, though often are more short-term and easily treated. Dogs with skin allergies deal with it for their whole lives, and we can manage it through multimodal methods such as oral medication, bathing, and topical treatments.

What are the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of bacterial skin infections?

Skin conditions can have a variety of causes. If a bacterial infection is suspected, your veterinarian may want to take a skin scraping sample from your dog. It involves taking a very small scraping of the affected areas on your dog’s skin. The procedure is relatively painless for your pet and can be performed during your consultation. The sample will be analyzed under a microscope to look for bacteria, yeast or other causes of skin infections. Your veterinarian will then discuss a treatment plan for your dog.

What are the causes, symptoms and treatment for ringworm?

Although the name suggests otherwise, ringworm is not a worm, it is caused by a fungus. Ringworm can be a contagious infection that can lead to patchy areas of hair loss and cause circular looking lesions on your dog’s skin. Ringworm can spread to other animals and humans too. There are a variety of tests that your veterinarian can do to diagnose ringworm. Once a positive diagnosis is found, your veterinarian can prescribe a treatment that is right for your dog.

What are the causes and treatment for parasitic skin diseases?

External parasites such as Demodex, mites, fleas and lice can cause disease in your dog’s skin. These bugs feed on your dog, causing irritation and sometimes secondary infections. They can acquire these parasites from the environment or other infected dogs. Treatment involves either topical or oral medication to kill the parasite, and other medications if needed to treat secondary signs.

What are the causes and treatment for hormonal skin diseases?

There are a number of diseases that involve your dog’s endocrine system that can lead to skin disease. Hypothyroidism and Cushing’s Disease are two examples of this. A physical exam and blood test chosen by your veterinarian can help diagnose these conditions.

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