Behavioural Counselling

Helping pet owners address problematic behaviours in their canine companions.

Behavioural counselling involves the cooperation of the pet owner, an animal and the veterinary team. It can occur at any time that the health, safety or well-being of the pet, the owner or their relationship is called into question. Behavioural counselling with an educated veterinary professional includes careful consideration of underlying medical conditions, genetic predispositions, behavioural tendencies and environmental factors. Counsellors take time to listen to the owner’s concerns, they help troubleshoot hard to answer areas and develop goals for long-term success.

How can dog counsellors help?

Dog counsellors are educated and trained professionals that work together with owners to address their pets behavioural concerns. Working in conjunction with the attending veterinarian, careful consideration can be given to medical concerns, genetic and inherited conditions and environmental factors. Since success begins with the owner, dog counsellors help identify the cause of the behaviour, equip the owners with the necessary information and establish a course of action to address the concerns.

What happens at the consultation?

A behavioural consultation is an in-depth process that helps identify the cause of the owner’s concern. Through a comprehensive history, a lengthy discussion with the owner, and observation of the behaviour (when possible), a treatment plan is implemented under the direction of the attending veterinarian. Careful consideration is given to breeding, environmental factors, natural tendencies, as well as how the pet and owner interact with each other. With the long-term goal being to alleviate the behavioural concerns, positive training techniques and exercises are recommended to help re-establish the desired behavioural pattern.

Will my pet insurance policy cover the cost of consultation?

Insurance policies have a wide range of coverage, and it is best to contact your insurance provider directly.

What to expect after the consultation?

Following the consultation, owners should expect a greater understanding to the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ behind their pet’s behaviour, with short and long-term goals focused at eliminating or changing the unwanted behaviour. Counsellors seek to implement positive exercises and techniques that give both the owner and the pet a positive training experience. When necessary, follow up consultations would be scheduled at the discretion of the parties involved.

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