Awesome Holidays Just for Your Pets

There are many holidays that get forgotten about. Here are some holidays specifically for your furry companions, from January to December:


Month-long Holidays:

  • Adopt a Rescued Bird Month – Not a lot of people know that there are a lot of birds that need rescuing. Most of them are the exotic birds such as macaws, African grey parrot, cockatoos. These birds unfortunately sometimes outlive their owners and need to find a new family to care for them.

Day-long Holidays:

  • National Dress Your Pet Day (January 14th) – Who doesn’t like to dress their pets up in adorable outfits? Who knew that there was an entire day dedicated to that? Get fluffy’s favourite outfit ready and let them strut their stuff.
  • Seeing Eye Dog Anniversary (January 29th) – The first seeing eye dog school was created by Morris Frank, which he called “The Seeing Eye.” It was founded on January 29, 1929, and is the world’s oldest school for seeing eye dogs. So, on this day, take a couple of minutes to think about the hundreds and thousands of lives that changed because of this great man.


Month-long Holidays:

  • Pet Dental Health Month – Your pet’s teeth are just as important as your own, take the time to learn more about how to keep your pet’s teeth healthy. Try brushing your pet’s teeth or take them in for yearly cleanings, just like you do for yourself. By doing this, it will make your furry friend happier and save you a lot of money in the long run. Ask your veterinarian today how you can keep your pet’s teeth strong and healthy.

Day-long Holidays:

  • Love Your Pet Day (February 20th) – We all love our pets but, on this day, make your pet feel it even more. Love it and cuddle them, let them know that they mean the world to you. Buy them their favourite treat or toy and make them feel special.


Month-long Holidays:

  • Poison Prevention Awareness Month – Unfortunately, there are many things out there that can poison your pet. Take the time to ask questions and try to avoid places you don’t know very well. If you do have concerns that your pet was poisoned, call your veterinary clinic or take them to an emergency clinic.

Week-long Holidays:

  • Pet Sitter Awareness Week (March 4th-10th) – Take the time to show the person who takes care of your pet that when you are away, they are appreciated.


Month-long Holidays:

  • National Adopt a Greyhound Month – There are many dogs that need to be adopted, but for greyhounds, they are usually only used for racing. After their racing career is over, they are typically euthanized because they are no longer of use. Thankfully, there are rescues out there that take these tired or injured athletes and find them new loving homes.

Day-long Holidays:

  • National Pet Day (April 11th) – On this day, take the time to celebrate your pet. Take the time to show them how much they mean to you, take them to their favourite place. Perhaps buy them some treats or their favourite toy. Just sit and pet them or play with them. They are always there for you, so show them that you will always be there for them.


Month-long Holidays:

  • Pet Cancer Awareness Month – Know one likes the “C” word, but unfortunately our pets can also get cancer. Like in human medicine, some places will help you when your pet gets cancer. In May, take the time to donate some money to these organizations. That way a family, who got that terrible news that their pet has cancer, can get the help and treatment for there furry loved one.

Week-long Holidays:

  • Puppy Mills Action Week (May 7th-12th) – Puppy mills do exist, some people believe that it is a quick way to make money. Unfortunately, these dogs live in disgusting conditions, and when they are no longer of use, they are killed. Animal rescues are trying hard to stop the puppy mill enterprise. Take the time to volunteer at your local rescue to help these dogs find a better life and stop the torture that they forced to endure.


Month-long Holidays:

  • Adopt a Cat Month – Cats are one of the hardest animals to re-home, not a lot of people want an adult cat, or they would prefer a kitten. So many cats are left in shelters waiting for a loving home to live out the rest of their days, please consider adopting an adult cat.

Day-long Holidays:

  • Take your cat to work day (June 21st) – Who else wishes every day that you could take your cat to work with you? Well, this is the day for you! Kennel up or leash up your cat and away you go. Can’t say if it would be a very productive day at work, but it would be a fun day. Remember, please ask before you do take your cat to work with you.
  • Take your dog to work (June 22nd) – Who else wishes every day that you could take your dog to work with you? Well, this is the day for you! Kennel up or leash up your dog and away you go. Can’t say if it would be a very productive day at work but it would be a fun day. Remember, please ask before you do take your dog to work with you.


Month-long Holidays:

  • National Lost Pet Awareness Month – It is a hard thing to think about your pet getting lost, always take precautions when taking your dog outside. Make sure that the fence is closed and locked, or that their collar is tight enough that it won’t slip off. You should be able to slip two fingers comfortably under the collar. If more than two fingers can fit under it, the collar is too loose and can slide off easier. It is always hard to control a cat, especially if it an outdoor cat. The best way to make sure your cat makes it back to you is to get it microchipped. Microchipping both cats and dogs can result in getting them back to you if they run off.

Day-long Holidays:

  • National Mutt Day (July 31st) – Not a lot of people know, but a mutt is any dog that has more than one breed in it. Take the time to appreciate these dogs or adopt/buy one. A lot of the times these dogs get the best qualities of all the breeds in its gene pool.


Month-long Holidays:

  • DOGust Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs – The North Shore Animal League America made this day. They declare that this is the birthday of all dogs when their birthdays are unknown. If you have a rescue dog and they were unsure about its birthday or age, Make August their birthday. Celebrate your pet’s life, even though you don’t know the exact day.

Day-long Holidays:

  • International Homeless Animal Day (August 18th) – There are a lot of homeless/stray animals out there that are scared, hurt, or hungry. This is a great day to go out and adopt a pet or volunteer your time to help rescue some of these animals. Also, make others aware of this day, or raise money for the shelter that works hard to get these homeless animals somewhere safe and warm.


Month-long Holidays:

  • Happy Healthy Cat Month – This is a month where you appreciate your feline friends, take the time to buy them toys and treats. Play with them and enrich their lives!

Day-long Holidays:

  • World Rabies Day (September 28th) – Rabies is a scary and very deadly disease that can transfer from animals to humans. Make sure that your pets are completely vaccinated, including rabies. Even if there is not a lot of reports of rabies in your area, it can always spread. There is no way to keep it from spreading with the wild animals out there, but you can keep your pets safe. If you are unsure if your pets have the rabies vaccine, please call your veterinary clinic and inquire about it.


Month-long Holidays:

  • National Pit Bull Awareness Month – Pit Bulls have a bad rap in the canine community. In October, it is time to learn more about this misunderstood breed. The breed, in general, is not ‘bad dogs,’ they are made to be that way. Do your research on them before you automatically think they should all be destroyed.

Day-long Holidays:

  • National Pet Obesity Awareness Day (October 10th) – Obesity is not just significant in human health, it is getting big in pet health as well. We all tend to overindulge our animals with treats and extra food. Talk to your veterinarian about if your pet is overweight and keep your pet active. Take them for walks, play with them, throw kibbles/treats down the hall to have them chase.


Month-long Holidays:

  • National Senior Pet Month – If you don’t know, any animal over the age of 7 years old is considered a senior. This is the time in their lives where they should see a vet more often. This is also the time where their health might start going downhill. Ask your veterinarian about any concerns or if you need to change anything in your pets life.

Day-long Holidays:

  • National Cook for Your Pet Day (November 1st) – Some pets have many allergies or have a sensitive stomach, so they need home-cooked meals. It is not a bad thing, as long as you add the correct amount of minerals and vitamins your pets need. On this day, you can try to cook your pet a home-made meal or bake them some treats. There are many cookbooks out there that can help you make good, healthy and safe food for your furry companions.


Month-long Holidays:

  • National Cat Lover Month – Since it is colder outside and your cat is most likely inside, take the time to love your cat this month. Buy them toys and treats and play with them throughout this month, take the chance to show them your care.

There are many other holidays out there for you and your pets. Do some research and find out what is out there and celebrate what you can with your furry friends.

Have a great year!

Written by Aileen Holcroft, ACA