Jade, RVT


Jade, RVT
Jade, RVT Registered Veterinary Technician

I graduated from VMA at NAIT in 2019. I worked at Mission ridge for a year as a VMA and decided I loved this field so much that I was going to go back to NAIT in 2020 to become an RVT. I returned to the Mission Ridge team as an RVT in the summer of 2022 and they’ve been stuck with me ever since! I am interested in palliative care for chronic conditions, these patients are often frequent visitors and our team becomes very familiar with them. I like making these visits with patients more comfortable and happy, as well as this stressful time for clients a little easier if I can.

I love from my work at the clinic that every day is a mystery. There is no such thing as ‘routine’ in veterinary medicine, you never know when you come to work that day, what is going to walk through the front doors of your clinic. You also never know it all in this field. There is always room to expand your knowledge. You truly learn something new every day.

I have always had a passion for animals. I find fulfillment in being able to be involved in their health and being an advocate for them. I live on an acreage in St. Albert with my two dogs, Echo the Boston Terrier & Kacey the Heinz 57, & one cat, Sprocket…. For now, there is always room for one more!